Friday, February 13, 2009

Pilates is for men too

Pilates is for Men Too - Spread the Word!

Pilates has been popular with both male and female elite athletes for many years, but in the mainstream the trend has been that women practitioners have significantly outnumbered men. That trend is changing as more men are inspired by well-known sports figures to explore Pilates workouts for themselves.If you are looking for a little push to check out Pilates, or know a man who could use one, here are a few of the well known men practicing Pilates as reported by USA Today(8/17/06): PGA Tour pro Rocco Mediate; Buffalo Bills Pro Bowl offensive guard Ruben Brown; Rich Beem, winner of the 2002 PGA Championship; Jason Kidd, the New Jersey Nets superstar point guard; Curt Schilling, starting pitcher for the Boston Red Socks and Pro Golfer Charles Nardiello. OK guys, see you in class!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I've sent you an e-mail to enquire about pilates classes, however I've yet to receive a reply. Maybe there's some other way to contact you?
