Thursday, October 1, 2009

KK Pilates Studio Latest Services

1) Postural Analysis - RM20

Our posture is influenced by how we stand, sit, lift and by our occupation and activity levels. As a result of poor posture, certain muscles can become weaker and longer and others stronger and shorter causing injury and pain. The Postural Analysis Assessment is a half an hour, one-to-one assessment that will determiner current posture, body alignment, strength and flexibility. By identifying any weakness and/or imbalances in your body, we can prescribe exercise modifications that will further help reduce backache and pain, avoid injury and increase your well being and your body's ability to move with ease.

2) Beginners Mat Work Course - RM60
(5hr 30 min: Capacity: 8):

The recommended starting point for any one new to Pilates. Designed to help you develop longer, leaner muscles, establish core strength and stability, and heighten mind-body awareness, during this program, which contains one hour and a half Basic Principles class followed by 4 x one hour Essential Mat Work classes, you will learn the Five Basic Principles of Pilates.

3) Classes: All classes except Stability Ball Intensive are 60 minutes in duration. There is a minimum number of 4 and maximum number of 8 participants per class.

Essential Mat Work
To practice and perfect the Five Basic Principles of Pilates, or as a maintenance class for those who like to work at a slower pace. It is also suitable for individuals with injuries looking for a light workout.

Intermediate Mat Work
For more challenge, this class will take you through a dynamic, full body workout focusing on improving flexibility and core strength, stretching and toning all muscle groups.

Advanced Mat Work
Taking you through a dynamic, full-body workout at a challenging pace, you will focus on improving flexibility and core strength, stretching and toning all muscle groups. To ensure you are ready to progress to this level, you will be invited into this class following discussion and agreement with the Instructor.

Core Challenge
For those who have graduated from the Essential Mat Work Course. These classes use small equipment and are designed to add variety and challenge. Modifications are included to accommodate certain weaknesses or to make an exercise more challenging.

Stability Ball Intensive (30 min)
A challenging and fun ball workout which requires 30mins only to make you sweat . For intermediate and advance level students only.

4) Private session – RM 40
For newcomers to learn and understand the 5 basic principles of Pilates and for existing students to assess their progress and improve their Pilates techniques in order to gain more out of their Pilates workout.

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